John Little ( 2 Feb) - 2 Kings 4:8-37 - ”Are you alright?”
John Little (19 Jan) - Acts 28 - Teaching about the Lord with all boldness and without hindrance
John Little (12 Jan) - Acts 27 - We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Chris Brearley (8 Dec) - Luke 2:1-20, Matt 2:1-12 - Do we praise God or are we troubled?
Brian Dunning (1 Dec) - Heb 1:13,14 - 7th and final proof of Jesus’ superiority to Angels
Geoff Marshall (24 Nov) - Acts 4:1-31 - The tremendous imperative in the Gospel
David Taylor (17 Nov) - Deut 32; Matt 7:13-29 - Doing things God’s way to enter the kingdom of heaven
Peter Fenwick (10 Nov) - Gen 5:18-24; Heb 11:1-7 - Enoch: Walking with God
Stephen Fay (3 Nov) - Num 16:1-40 - The Consequences of Rebellion
Brian Dunning (27 Oct) - Heb 1:10-12 & Ps 102 - Three strands linking these passages
John Little (20 Oct) - Acts 26 - How to share the good news of Jesus Christ
Chris Brearley (13 Oct) - 2 Tim 3:16 - The Bible: Its inspiration and pertinence
David Taylor (6 Oct) - Mark 5:24-34 - ”Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?”
Tony Hutter (29 Sept) - James 1- Harvest Thanksgiving Service
Ron Collard (22 Sept) - Acts 16:4-15; Philippians 1:1-14 - All the promises of God hold firm
David Taylor (15 Sept) - Num 21:1-9 - There is life for a look at the Crucified One
Chris Brearley (8 Sept) - Rev 2:8-11 - He who conquers will not be hurt by the second death
John Little (1 Sept) - Acts 24:22-27 - Paul preaches to Felix about faith in Christ Jesus
Brian Dunning (25 Aug) - Heb 1:8,9; Ps 45 - The superiority of Jesus above the angels
Geoff Marshall (18 Aug) - Ps 1; Matt 7:13-14,24-27; Prov 4:18-19 - Stark contrasts between the 2 ways
John Little (11 Aug) - Acts 23:1-10 - God’s Providential Protection
John Little (4 Aug) - Acts 22:12-30 - The Lord stood by Paul; likewise our times are in His hands
Roger Fay (28 July) - Ps 19; Rom 1:14-23 - The perfect revelation of the Lord (General & Special)
John Little (21 July) - Num 13:26-14:24; Josh 14:6-15 - Caleb: he followed God wholeheartedly
John Little (14 July) - John 1:29-42 - James - the first disciple called by Jesus
David Taylor (7 July) - 2 Kings 4:8-37 - The Shunammite woman and parallels with Christ
Stephen Spence (30 June) - Dan 3 - Love for God, Walk with God & Witness for God
Brian Dunning (23 June) - Heb 1 - Principles of quoting the Old Testament in the New
David Taylor (16 June) - 2 Pet 1:1-11 - God's divine power: all we need for life and for godliness
Peter Fenwick (9 June) - Mark 4:1-20;26-29 - The Soil, the seed and the sower
David Taylor (2 June) - 1 Kings 10 - Solomon’s God given wisdom is known of far and wide
Brian Dunning (26 May) - Heb 1 - Jesus! The Name high over all
Steve Harding (19 May) - James 1:1-18 - God has a purpose in our trials
John Little (12 May) - Luke 24:50-53 & Acts 1:1-11 - The Ascension
Ron Collard (5 May) - John 13:21-38 - Judas, Peter and John
Stephen Fay (28 Apr) - Matt 3 - Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
David Taylor (21 Apr) - Esther 6 - God is working His purpose out
Chris Brearley (14 Apr) - Gal 6 - Sound advice when dealing with others
Brian Dunning (7 Apr) - Heb 1:3 - He by Himself purged our sins and He sat down
David Taylor (24 Mar) - John 11:55-12:19 - Jesus demonstrates that he is Prophet, Priest & King
Stephen Fry (17 Mar) - Jud 6:1-16;25-32 & 7:2-23 - Victory depends on God’s power not ours
David Taylor (10 Mar) - Luke 19:1-10 - Today salvation has come to this house
John Little (3 Mar) - Acts 21:40-22:29 - Sharing the Good News with compassion
Geoff Marshall (25 Feb) - 1 Pet 1:17-20; John 4:9-30 - Redeemed with the precious blood of Christ
John Little (18 Feb) - Acts 21:15-40 - Salvation through Jesus Christ alone
John Little (11 Feb) - Acts 21:1-16 - Encouragements and warnings on the way to Jerusalem
Tony Hutter (4 Feb) - Matt 26:26-46 - Jesus Christ the Passover Lamb
David Taylor (28 Jan) - Mark 10:32-52 - Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me (buzz in middle of recording)
David Taylor (21 Jan) - Mark 10:17:31 - Trusting Jesus for Eternal Life
John Little (14 Jan) - Acts 20:25-38 - Watch, pray and trust in God and the Word of His grace
David Taylor (31 Dec) - Rev 22 - Looking forward to our home in Heaven with Jesus
Ray Chester (24 Dec) - Luke 1:26-38 - The reason for the virgin birth
Chris Brearley (10 Dec) - James 4:1-10 - Victorious Christian living
John Little (26 Nov) - Acts 20:17-31 - Finishing the race well
Edward Preston (19 Nov) - 2 Tim 1:1-14 - In the Gospel we have a treasure
John Little (12 Nov) - John 15:9-21 - Remembrance Sunday - God’s love for us
Brian Dunning ( 5 Nov) - Heb 1:1-4 - Prophet, Son and Heir
Ken Stone (29 Oct) - Acts 12:25-13:12 & 15:30-41 - Mark: a work in progress
Steve Harding (22 Oct) - Psalm 9 - Five “I wills” in Psalm 9
John Little (15 Oct) - Acts 20:13-21 - Paul encourages the Ephesian Elders
Roger Fay (8 Oct) - Heb 12:14-29 & Gen 25:19-34 - The anatomy of profanity (10 mins missing)
Ron Collard (1 Oct) - John 13 - The Lord’s Supper
John Little (24 Sept) - Harvest Thanksgiving Service - Ex 23:14-19; Acts 2:1-13 & 37-41
Stephen Fay (17 Sept) - 2 Kings 10:18-31 - What God proclaims will come to pass
Chris Brearley (10 Sept) - James 3:13-18-Two kinds of wisdom
Geoff Marshall (3 Sept) - 1 John 1:1-2:1 - Walking with the Lord in the light of His Word
John Little (27 Aug) - Acts 20:1-12 - Four features of early Christian worship
Peter Fenwick (20 Aug) - Prov 4:10-27 & 1 Cor 15:50-58 - Pressing on along the Pilgrim Pathway
Seb Rab (13 Aug) - Gal 2:9-21 - Justification is by faith in Jesus Christ and not by law keeping
Brian Dunning (6 Aug) - Heb 1:1-2 - Jesus is the last word; there is nothing else to add
Ron Collard (30 July) - Rev 1 - Do not be afraid - Encouragement to the Church in difficult times
Chris Brearley (16 July) - James 3:1-12 - Be swift to hear and slow to speak
Ray Chester (9 July) - Ex 15:1-21 - Moses celebrates God’s victory and power
John Little (2 July) - Acts 19:21-41 - Town Clerk of Ephesus Quashes Riot
David Taylor (25 Jun) - Rev 5 - Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
Peter Fenwick (18 Jun) - Matt 7:13-29 - False perceptions and presumptions
Chris Brearley (11 Jun) - James 1:1-18 - Rejoice in your trials
Brian Dunning (4 Jun) - Hebrews - Introduction to a NEW SERIES on Hebrews
David Taylor (28 May) - Obadiah - The destructive power of pride, but God is in control.
John Little (21 May) - Acts 19:1-20 - Our times are in God’s hands
Stephen Fay (14 May) - 1 Tim 1 - How a believer deals with fear
Geoff Marshall (30 Apr) - 1 John 1 - Eternal Life in Jesus Christ
Gordon Frame (23 Apr) - Mark 10:32-52 - Jesus : a Servant; a Ransom; a Substitute
Chris Brearley (16 Apr) - Ecc 5:10-6:12
John Little (9 Apr) - EASTER SUNDAY - Four changed lives
Ron Collard (2 Apr) - Matt 21:1-17 - “Who is this …”
Stephen Fry (19 Mar) - 2 Tim 2:1-10 - Handing on the faith to reliable men
Roger Fay (12 Mar) - Matt 13:1-9;18-23 & Luke 11:14-28 - Behind the scenes
John Little (5 Mar) - Acts 18:18-28 - Helping those who, through grace, had believed
David Taylor (26 Feb) - Ex 5:22-6:13 - Now you shall see what I will do
Chris Brearley ( 19 Feb) - Gen 39 - God is with you
John Little (12 Feb) - Acts 18:7-17 - Do not be afraid .. for I am with you
Brian Dunning (5 Feb) - Isaiah 55 - Seek the LORD while He may be found
Peter Fenwick (15 Jan) - Acts 19 - Battles and a Bonfire at Ephesus
Ray Chester (8 Jan) - Rev 19:6-16 - The Second Coming of Christ
Brian Dunning (1 Jan) - Rev 2:1-7 & Rev 3:14-22
Brian Dunning (25 Dec) - Isaiah 8:11-9:7 & Matt 1:18-25
Chris Brearley (11 Dec) - Gen 39 - “God is with you”
Seb Rab (4 Dec) - 1 Thes 1:1-2:12
Roger Fay (27 Nov) - 2 Thes 2:1-3:5
Steve Harding (30 Oct) - Eph 2:1-8 - ‘But God, in His mercy, gave us grace: it is the gift of God’
Peter Fenwick (23 Oct) - Isaiah 40:18-31 & 1 Tim 4 - “Watch your life and doctrine closely”
John Little (16 Oct) - Harvest Thanksgiving Service - Hab 1:1-4 & 3:17-19
Chris Brearley (9 Oct) - Acts 16:16-40 - “What must I do to be saved?”
Ron Collard (2 Oct) - Matt 27:27-50 - “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?”
Stephen Fry (25 Sept) - Matt 25:1-46
Ian Shaw (18 Sept) - Ps 44 - Living today in the light of the past - (some noise on recording)
Ray Chester (11 Sept) - Joel 1&2 - Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful
Brian Dunning (4 Sept) - Isaiah 54:5-17 - The heritage of the servants of the LORD
David Taylor (28 Aug) - Isaiah 25
Neil Anderson (21 Aug) - 1 Cor 15 - Be steadfast, immovable, for you do not labour in vain
Stephen Spence (14 Aug) - Gen 5:18-24; Heb 11:5,6 - Walking with God and Pleasing God
Brian Dunning (7 Aug) - Isaiah 54:1-8 - Three imperatives for the saved
Seb Rab (31 July) - Jer 31:31-34 & 1 Cor 13 - Knowing Christ
Peter Fenwick (24 July) - Ps 63:1-8; Rom 12:19-21 - Seeking God in a dry and weary land
Roger Fay (17 July) - Psalm 48 & Isaiah 1:21-2:5 - ‘Let us walk in the light of the Lord’
Brian Dunning (26 Jun) - Isaiah 53:10-12 & John 17 - The 7 promises of God to His Son
Steve Harding (19 Jun) - Eph 1:15-23 - The Spirit of wisdom and revelation
Chris Brearley (12 Jun) - Matt 14:22-32 - Stepping out in faith
John Little (5 Jun) - 1 Tim 2:1-7 - Praying for those in authority
John Little (29 May) - Acts 17:10-15 - Receiving and Searching the scriptures
Neil Anderson (22 May) - Jonah 1 - “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel”
Stephen Fay (15 May) - Rev 1 & 2:8-11 - Perseverance in the face of persecution
Peter Fenwick (8 May) - Luke 15:1-24 - “This man welcomes sinners”
Brian Dunning (1 May) - Isaiah 53:10-12 - The exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ
Brian Dunning (24 Apr) - Isaiah 53:7-9 - The Divine Sacrifice
John Little (17 Apr) Easter Service - Psalm 23 & 1 Cor 15:1-20 - The Messiah’s Shepherd
Chris Brearley (10 Apr) Mark 11:1-11 - Why did Jesus enter Jerusalem on a donkey?
Brian Dunning (3 Apr) Isaiah 52:13-53:12 - The Substitutionary Servant
Steve Harding (27 Mar) Psalms 24 & 29 - The King of Glory
John Little (20 Mar) Acts 17:1-10 - Uproar is stirred up in Thessalonica
Brian Dunning (6 Mar) Isaiah 53:1-3 - The Scorned Servant
Stephen Fry (20 Feb) Psalm 90; Jude - False prophets in the Church
John Little (13 Feb) Acts 16:23-40 - God opens doors and opens hearts
John Little (6 Feb) Acts 16:16-24 - In Christ’s name Paul cures a servant girl of an evil spirit
Roger Fay (30 Jan) John 20:19-21; 21:15-25
Gordon Frame (23 Jan) Isaiah 50:4-9 - The 3rd Servant Song
Peter Fenwick (16 Jan) Col 3:18-4:18 - Living for Christ at Colosse
John Little (9 Jan) Acts 15:39-16:15
Ray Chester (2 Jan) Romans 11:32-36